Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

The Evil of Islam...

This is a must read book to expose the evils of islam and the lies our media and politicians are telling us when they say 'islam is a religion of peace'. It is not. It is a religion of war, slavery and removal of all human rights.

Excellent book...

that can be quite heavy going due to the fact that it’s a translation of scriptures dating back over 1,400 years. A very sobering and depressing read but I urge everyone to read it. Educate yourselves because knowledge is power! I would like to say more but it seems that I’m not allowed. 5 stars no problem but buy it before it gets banned!

A horror story...

I was captivated at first, then frightened, then sickened because we'd let these lunatics into our country that believe this craziness. Five star for Tommy and Peter


So glad I bought this book, my eyes have been opened even more on the subject........please everyone needs to read this and Tommy's other best seller, nothing will change unless everyone understands! Thank you Tommy

The most important book I've read this year...

I've often felt a deep discomfort with how our politicians are dealing with Islamic terrorism; they all seem to unable to call it how it is. This book is one of the most important reads for anyone who seeks some answers to those questions. The application of ' Double Think' by the elites, the use of abrogation within the Koran itself which for me, was the most insightful part of this work. It is undeniable that the words/ actions from Mohammed were one of a Warlord intent on murder towards those who stood against him; notwithstanding the obvious hatred towards the 'unbelievers'. The examples cited with the book are from authentic sources and spell out the absolute danger to all those who do not want the precepts of this ideology taking sway in communities up and down this country. This book for me is the last canary in the coal mine; it puts into context why so many attacks have occurred by those very disciples who believe these words in the Koran and act upon them. A brave book to have been written in light of the obvious backlash to come. Everyone needs to start questioning what they see on TV and read in the paper; the lies we are all told and what gets taught to our children is shameful. Buy it !

Read this Now!

To be informed of the threat our country is now facing has never been more important. Anyone who cares what sort of a country our children will grow up in should read this book. Time to ignore our biased media and see this for what it is- the biggest threat to our society and values for decades!

Absolutely fantastic insight into a hateful ideology...

Absolutely brilliant book. Very well researched and explained. Opening eyes all over the world to the wicked that is Islam. The sooner everyone realises and puts an end to it the better. I take my hat off to tommy Robinson and peter mcloughlin. Absolutely outdone themselves with this book. We need more people like you to expose the truth. And help save this country and our values. Well done.