Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

You have to read this book. I'm now armed with undebatable knowledge to make a difference...

Now that I have read this book I feel I can articulate my argument with confidence to any leftist or Muslim apologist. I can now say with confidence that I have read the Koran and it's absolutely compelling. The authors cannot be any clearer how our politicians and media have been lying to us for so long. Not just lying but misleading us at every turn when we've needed them in our darkest hours. For nearly 20 years the West has been bombarded by terrorism from Islamic extremists and immediately our politicians tell us "Islam is a religion of peace" - this makes no sense and now I understand why. This is a lie we've all been subjected to but not anymore. I encourage you to read this book you won't be disappointed. The introduction is phenomenal and explains to you in easy words everything you need to know about the history of Muhammed and the background of the Koran. I can't wait to debate Islam with the liberals. They won't know what hit 'em!

If you love freedom of speech then read this...

A very important book exposing all the lies told to us by the BBC and the globalist left wing mainstream media. Educate yourself on the truth. If you care about Western democracy, freedom of speech and our belief in equal rights and values then learn about what they are under threat from. Nobody should ever be tolerant of intolerance just because of a fear of being labelled a racist if they question someone else's belief. No idea should be exempt from being criticised either as that just leads to disaster, as history has shown us time and time again.

The islam Lie...

The first part is very good, outlining the threat we face; take this as a warning! The second part (koran) is heavy going as scriptures can be, but the reverse chronological order highlight the true evils of islam - the religion of war!

Very detailed book...

If anyone was expecting this book to be inflammatory, it is anything but! Just a run through of the Koran with copious notes and references. Insight into what islamics believe. First 25% is about how governments are portraying (deceiving) Islam to us, then Koran bit gives truth. The eternal orders of Allah and his message. Make your own mind up on what you think!

The best book you'll read all year...

An excellent book, very well written with very thorough referencing and clearly well researched. I thought i already knew all i needed to know about islam but this has really filled in the gaps in my knowledge. I would advise anyone to read this, even if you disagree at least give it a chance, you never know you might pick up something that could save your future from the oppressive clutches of islam.

Read it!

This is a vital read in regard to the times we are living in. I have other copies of the Koran but this makes the content clear, the context provided in the preamble to the actual text is important and outlines many points that are being ignored by the government and media.