Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

Five Stars...

Must have book for anyone trying to understand why so mush terrorism is happening around Europe.

I would strongly recommend everyone who is interested and concerned about the future...

I read this book with a bit of scepticism but by the end was convinced by the authors arguments. I would strongly recommend everyone who is interested and concerned about the future direction of the West reads this book and take note as time is most definitely not on the the side of the liberal Western ideal. Tommy Robinson far from being an extremist is in my opinion simply a normal guy with the heart of a worrier who will not back down no matter what the authorities and the political elite throw at him. I just hope the public hears his message in time.

The real Koran exposed...

Absolutely the 'best' Koran I've ever read. Really cuts through the usual lies and spin to expose the real Islam and why it's used to justify so much violence amongst its devout followers (31,612 deadly attacks since 9/11)...

The facts don't lie - but our politicians on the other hand...

The facts always make interesting reading, as does the realisation that our liberal elite (there are no real conservatives anymore) are happy to lie to us regardless of the consequences - which manifest themselves in the most tragic way ( child rape, murder, erosion of free speech ) - but hey living in a liberal bubble insulates you from everything (or so they think - poor deluded fools) This book, or certainly the introduction, should be compulsory Year 7 reading at every school.

Fantastic read!

An incredible read. Everyone should read this book & educate themselves. Superb.

Buy this now!

The book everyone in the west needs to read - unless you're Muslim. The less they know about their book the better!!

Superb read...

I don't read many books but this is well written and informative on the true nature of Islam of what is Muslims believe to be true of which is both a religious political ideology, Islam is definitely NOT a religion of peace. 22:19 these twain (the believers and the disbelievers ) are two appoints who contend concerning their lord. But for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads (unbelievers will be tortured on hell) 20:20 whereby that which is in their bellies and their skin too, will be melted. Just some of the hatred that Muslims have for the non believers out there which is everyone who ain't Muslims, in fact their religion also tells muslims who are blind and lame that they will also not go to paradise but go to hell as they are slackers. The book also tells you the lies that are told by our politicians and media and covering up the fact that they are scared of what could happen should non Muslims wake up and realise the fake and political correctnes going on here in the UK.

Must read...

Huge eye opener and in my opinion a must read, also lots of references to works by other authors worth checking out.

Scary, but a must-read...

This scary book should be compulsory reading for our ruling elite. We are heading for big trouble unless we get to grips with the problem.