
Manifesto shows how The Oligarchy treat the public like animals to be farmed. Part of how The Oligarchy farm us is by using sheepdogs (e.g. the media) to get the public to only look at the things The Oligarchy want the public to see.






No sooner had the cover been shown by Tommy Robinson on Twitter than the so-called "Independent" newspaper claimed that the font used was Comic Sans.

This is the same newspaper that obsessively stalked Tommy for years.







Why would they lie like this?

Because they know they can use this kind of dog-whistle to guide their dim-witted ("educated") sheep to consider the book unworthy of attention.

That's OK. Their dim-witted readers are not the intended audience. They are welcome to continue being herded by The Oligarchy.

Really intelligent people know to think for themselves rather than respond to dog-whistles.

If fonts matter to the "journalists" of a "quality" newspaper, then we have to conclude that they know the fonts used do not include Comic Sans. So either a) they knowingly lie or b) these "highly educated" people who spend all day reading and publishing know nothing about fonts.





 If they are lying about the font used on the cover of the book, what else are they lying about? 

Manifesto will show you the scale of their lies. There's virtually nothing that your society tells you that is true. The role of the media is to act as a filter between the public and the real world. The Oligarchy are confident that through the brainwashing by schools and the media The Oligarchy can get the dimwits to say "a man with a beard and a penis is a woman".

Their farmed animals are too stupid to notice they are being herded into delusion after delusion. After reading Manifesto you will never see the world as you did before.



So why do "educated" dimwits hate the font Comic Sans?  Because in the early days of the internet graphic designers realised that ordinary people didn't need them any more. So the graphic designers set about hating ordinary people for choosing Comic Sans - it was all about the designers trying to maintain their elite status.

Just as these fake "journalists" hate people like Tommy Robinson for doing the real journalism.