This is a masterpiece...
A must-read for anyone wanting to dispel the fog created by the modern-day historical revisionists - those cowards and quislings dominating modern media and academia. Contrary to the idiot, illiterate trolls posting 1-star reviews, there is plenty of scholarship here. (Don't be put off by Amazon's typo in the book description; it's not 1463 pages long, but 400.) 94 of those pages are a detailed, near-book-length Introduction, of some 50,000 words, which is copiously footnoted, with detailed cross-references. The Footnotes section is 50 pages long, with a font-size even smaller than the main text ... probably equal to at least another 125 pages of text at normal sizing. 563 footnotes in all, plus Bibliography, and Indices. Plenty of documentation for those who demand "What are your sources?" (A demand never made of leftist interviewees of network TV shows.) I've read McLoughlin's previous book, "Easy Meat," about the child-rape Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham (and elsewhere) in the U.K. (That, too, was thoroughly researched and documented, and is also a must-read.) In particular, "Easy Meat" illustrates how totalitarian political correctness, and a deathly fear of being called 'racist,' led public authorities to turn a blind eye to the rape of a generation of young English Kuffar girls ... as sanctioned by the Koran. (And who would call those police and social workers 'racist'? Why, the media of course ... those self-appointed watchdogs and guardians of our liberty!) I've also read Tommy Robinson's "Enemy of the State," and it, too, is a block-buster expose of the extent to which we have all been betrayed by our governing 'elites'. The so-called 'Rule of Law' has been discarded. Both these authors are modern-day heroes, shining examples of courage for the rest of us to listen to and heed. They are on the barricades, the front-lines against the barbarians. They speak from personal experience. We in North America ignore at our mortal peril their warnings. The book is very well-written, and builds, point-by-point, in logical sequence (unlike the fevered ad hominems of the 1-star crowd).