Well-researched book on the Koran, by authors who have dedicated their lives to fight this evil...
Another in a list of brave writers who, despite being faced with regular death-threats by followers of 'the religion of peace' has published a detailed and well referenced book that shows the koran for what it really is; a hate-filled death-cult that ensnares from birth with ridiculous and outrageous horrors, eulogising the pervert that was Mohamed, whilst providing the death penalty or jisya tax for anyone kufar (not muslim), the death penalty for anyone who leaves the Islamic faith or the destruction of the entire race of jews. The book lays out in proper chronological order the verses of the koran as tought by muslim scholars to their trainee imams, and correctly abrogates the earlier (cancelled) more peaceable verses. Basically, the koran started out quite reasonable, but later in mo's life he turned into a vicious, terrorising, lying and oppressive pedophile and mass murderer who hated jews, Christians, non-muslims and anyone else who disagreed with him. The bloke was basically a megalomaniac, pervert monster who should have been killed at birth. It's nuts how over a billion people fall for this vomit-inducing nonsense.
Well-researched book on the Koran, by authors who have dedicated their lives to fight this evil...
Another in a list of brave writers who, despite being faced with regular death-threats by followers of 'the religion of peace' has published a detailed and well referenced book that shows the koran for what it really is; a hate-filled death-cult that ensnares from birth with ridiculous and outrageous horrors, eulogising the pervert that was Mohamed, whilst providing the death penalty or jisya tax for anyone kufar (not muslim), the death penalty for anyone who leaves the Islamic faith or the destruction of the entire race of jews. The book lays out in proper chronological order the verses of the koran as tought by muslim scholars to their trainee imams, and correctly abrogates the earlier (cancelled) more peaceable verses. Basically, the koran started out quite reasonable, but later in mo's life he turned into a vicious, terrorising, lying and oppressive pedophile and mass murderer who hated jews, Christians, non-muslims and anyone else who disagreed with him. The bloke was basically a megalomaniac, pervert monster who should have been killed at birth. It's nuts how over a billion people fall for this vomit-inducing nonsense.