A horror story...
I was captivated at first, then frightened, then sickened because we'd let these lunatics into our country that believe this craziness. Five star for Tommy and ...
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A Koran in chronological order- a must read...
Islam and the Koran cannot be understood properly without understanding its doctrine of abrogation (naskh) laid out in 2:106, 16:101 etc. This is the idea that ...
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A lot of research/ time and patience, put together brilliantly...
Well done to the Authors, very informative and very interesting to learn what's going on in our higher society.
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A must buy...
Excellent book. A must read for anyone wanting to start learning about Islam.
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A must for every household...
Absolutely fantastic book, well illustrates the way the media narrative has changed since 9/11 while clearly highlighting the current problems the west faces ...
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A MUST read for anyone who wants a quick and effective introduction to Islam, the Jihad and the deceit of Western Governments and Media...
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A must read for those questioning the essence of Islam...
Highly informative, a MUST READ for those questioning the essence of Islam. Totally refutes "Islam is a religion of peace"; it is not!
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A must read to understand Islam...
Brilliant explanation of Islam’s core beliefs. I never knew that Islam was never accused of being ‘a religion of peace’ before 9/11! Almost 400 references ...
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A must read...
This book then puts Pickthall's translated chapters into reverse chronological order meaning you read the most recent chapters of the Koran first. At first ...
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A must read...everybody should know the truth...
Well written and easy to read and understand. A real eye opener and a book everybody should be reading. No more pretending, no more lying once you fully ...
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