Fantastic, best-sourced reference that exposes The Grand Lie...

Do you ever get the feeling that you aren't being told the truth about Islam? In Mohammed's Koran, Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin expose 'The Grand Lie' that Islam is a religion of peace by (1) presenting a historical interpretation of Islam that spans 1,000 years and is supported with references and footnotes from scholars and political leaders of centuries past; (2) demonstrating how today's political establishment, media and religious leaders have purposely maligned the portrayal of Islam and perverted the actual words of the Koran to fool Westerners; and (3) providing an entire Koran, presented in reverse chronological order so that the ordering of religious decrees is accurate (as Mohammed's later decrees are held to supersede his earlier decrees). You can read for yourself how Islam is at its core a violent and expansionist religion that does not have any intention on coexisting with Christianity, Buddhism or any other religion. You will not only understand why Muslims kill for Islam, but you will understand the agenda of the pro-globalist political establishment that is facilitating the spread of Islam in Western societies.