
surah 14 - verse 48

translator's name verse
Arberry Upon the day the earth shall be changed to other than the earth, and the heavens and they sally forth unto God, the One, the Omnipotent.
Maududi (Do warn them of the) Day when the heavens and the earth shall be altogether changed; when all will appear fully exposed before Allah, the One, the Irresistible!
Pickthall On the day when the earth will be changed to other than the earth, and the heavens (also will be changed) and they will come forth unto Allah, the One, the Almighty,
Sahih [It will be] on the Day the earth will be replaced by another earth, and the heavens [as well], and all creatures will come out before Allah, the One, the Prevailing.
Yusuf Ali One day the earth will be changed to a different earth, and so will be the heavens, and (men) will be marshalled forth, before Allah, the One, the Irresistible;