Wow, this book is PHENOMENAL!

Thank God that we have authors who provide us an accurate history of Islam as it really is: A religion of war. Don't think that's accurate? Buy this book, and see what you think after that. Don't worry about the author's words however, but look at the numerous sources and both historical and contemporary examples that those who perform violence in the name of Islam are following Mohammed's commands, which are very clearly provided in chronological order. Please don't label this review as hateful towards Muslims, I don't hate anyone. I am simply supporting the premise that Islam is a violent religion as supported by both the violent acts committed in it's name (how often is "Allu Akbar" shouted prior to a violent attack, a simple internet search will provide the answer) and by it's holy text, the Koran. We need to take this into consideration with immigration policy and other legislation designed to protect citizens. Back to the book: VERY well supported and full of evidence, needs to be read by all. The poor author has had a terrible time with being attacked by Muslims and jailed for speech, and accurate speech at that. Support free speech and if you disagree with his conclusions, that's fine, but be warned: He builds a very strong case based on a very firm premise supported by hundreds of sources and specific details, much of it from the Koran itself.