This is one of the best written and probably one of the most important books in history...

PROS – I got the book early, yesterday August 1st on Tuesday. It arrived on time and in perfect condition. Here's some pictures as proof. I read it in a matter of hours. I'll probably read it again, because it's just that amazing. This is by far the most well researched book ever written about the Koran. I don't normally read books like this; however, it's extremely detailed and historically accurate. I love this book! I love everything about it. There's so many things about this book that I could literally talk about it for hours. The book is broken down into parts or sections. There's a total of 4-6 parts in this book. Pages 4-101 is the Introduction. From there it's the Koran pages 104-332. Notes pages 334-384. Recommended Books 385-389. Then the Appendix and the Encrypted Koran Index. The Koran is broken down into two segments (Mohammed's Success & Mohammed's Failure). Mohammed was successful in making one of the most violent, misogynistic death cults in the world. This part is the real Koran where Muslims slaughter Non-Muslims, Apostates, Christians, and Jews just to get a place into Heaven (or Paradise) which is still ongoing today. Nothing much has changed. Mohammed did have some so-called peaceful verses, but it wasn't popular to begin with. He had no more than 150 followers in 13 years, but when he made Islam violent he had an army of 10,000 in less than 10 years. This is basic history, folks. However, this will not be taught to you nor your kids. This kind of information is NOT in public schools, colleges, and so on because everything is literally controlled by the Left and their political agenda. This book gives you exact Koran verses and breaks it down for you in a way that you can understand, for anyone to understand. Anyone can read this book, but sadly most people won't read it especially if they're liberals or Muslims, who have been brainwashed into believing that Islam is a "Religion of Peace." Islam has always been a "Religion of War" and has been at war with everyone (including other religions) for the last 1400 years. Good luck trying to convince Liberals, even Christian Liberals to read this book and Enemy of The State. I got into an argument with a Christian, because her excuse not to read this book is... she only reads the Bible and not the Koran. There you go. You can't force Liberals to read this book, since they don't want to listen to reason or facts. I'm sure if she was a Muslim, she would have said the same thing but in the reverse order. CONS – Reading the Koran was difficult at times, because a lot of the text was pretty small. I have really bad eyesight, so I kind of wish they would've made the text a little bit bigger. Of course, I understand that if they did this we'd have a 600 page book instead of 400 pages. The bold texts were fine by the way, including the crossed out texts because I could still read them quite clearly. When reading the violent verses of the Koran, it felt like I was reading Hitler's Mein Kampf, the ramblings of a madman. That's basically what it is. Mohammed was a raging lunatic, pedophile, hypocrite, and bloody-thirsty serial killer/rapist. Coming from a strict religious background (although not religious myself), Mohammed basically took parts of the Christian & Jewish Bibles and twisted them into a 'perverted' cult of his own creation. The Koran is the most disturbing and disgusting thing to read. I forced myself to read it because knowledge is power and I want to share that knowledge to those who will listen. Another issue I had with this book...I felt it's way too short. In fact, I wanted to read more and wished the authors went deeper into the treatment of Muslim Women in Islam. There are parts of the Koran where wife beating is approved by Mohammed. I just wanted a bit more explanation about it and some history of the violence against women. Maybe Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin will write another book, going into more details about the misogyny and sexist views so prevalent in Islam and Sharia Law. Today, far too many Muslim women are stoned to death, beaten, forced into sexual slavery, suffering from Islamic FGM, and have such miserable lives (being treated less than animals) in the Middle East and abroad. It would be nice to have more information on that, including other Islamic Scriptures such as the Hadith. I'd like to see them write a book together with Dr. Bill Warner, who has written many different books describing Sharia Law, Muslim Women, Slavery, the Politics of Islam, and more.